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Monday, May 7, 2018

Suilven - Part 2

Getting Suilven back to  a shipshape condition and back on the water before laying her up for the winter was the goal. The intention had been to try and get Suilven ready for the water last season (2017), but the work progressively became more involved and time ran out. We certainly learnt a great deal about her with many achievements, enjoyable moments and frustrations along the way. 

Sanding down all the wood work to re coat with teak oil. Sanding and repairing the hull under the waterline especially around the keel where it penetrates the hull. Measuring up for replacing the mast foot and the companion way hatch and renewing the makers plate. Hilary spruced up the inside of the cabin to make it more welcoming and comfortable so that we could relax and eat alfresco while we worked. The more we worked the more jobs we seemed to uncover.

As we pressed on we started to see improvements the wood work restored to natural beauty with the grain showing. The hull starting to clean up. As the weather warmed up and the days got longer we were able to come down in the evenings as well as weekends to work away. Progress was slow but sure

The new companion way hatch took shape after lots of going backwards and forwards measuring, cutting and remeasuring. The bilge pump was removed and overhauled and reinstalled with a protective cover. The repairs to the keel progressed and the new mast foot started to take shape. However the season was nearly over and we realised we were not going to get Suilven back in the water in 2017 :-(.

We decided to give Suilven some new decals to show off her name and finally get to raise the mast on her new footing with a self made mast lifting jury rig. Before that operation though we had fun and games fitting new running rigging and feeding the ropes up the inside of the mast! I realised after the mast was up that I had forgotten to fit the weather vane to the top of the mast oops!! Still Suilven felt like she wanted to be back in the water at that moment, but there was still some work to do on the hull and anti-fouling to apply.

All the new rope rigging was checked; the new companion way hatch was installed; deck fittings installed so that the mast ropes can be fed back to the cockpit to allow the sails to be controlled from the cockpit and a grey pre-coat primer applied to the hull in readiness for the anti-fouling coat.

We decided we had time to raise the main sails and test them although fibreglass battens are required for the main sails. Then we put Suilven to bed for the winter months and prepared for our trip to New Zealand. We took down the mast and secured it for the winter. The last thing was to put a tarpaulin over Suilven to protect her from the worst of winter. Roll on to next spring in 2018 for our continued refit adventures!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Suilven - Part 1

Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind I had a hankering to get a sailing boat and had dreams of maybe realizing this dream when I retired and maybe had time to look into the ins and outs. Funny how fate has other ideas at the most unexpected times. I had a a small Laser Pico sailing dinghy stored at Port Edgar but I was sailing her less and less as the years went by. She was lacking comforts and carrying space for bodies, being on your knees was cramping especially as you get older. But she was my first boat so there was an attachment for me and sad to see her go but I am sure she will get good use in her new home.

 Then out of the blue comes a chance to buy a small day sailing yacht!!

So the story of Suilven begins.........[January 2017]

Although I had dreams of us getting a bigger boat so that Hilary and I could both enjoy the sea I wasn't sure that it would ever really happen and certainly not before retirement. But when your Brother in Laws best man decides that sailing is no longer his cup of tea and wants rid of his boat I put on my rose tinted glasses and brought Suilven. Unfortunately not quite in a sea worthy ready state but nothing that we can't tackle! mmmmm......
Now begins the long journey!

Removing parts of Suilven for repair, refurbishment or replacement, cleaning the boat inside and out, looking more closely at the condition of Suilven.

No one really tells you how much of a black hole owning a boat can become or how expensive chandlery spares can be. Looking back now, Suilven at this present time [September 2017] is still not in the water and yet we have spent  more than the cost of the initial purchase on repairing and refurbishing so far......will she float when the time comes to launch her. Initially I had thought that we would have her in the water by now, but that seems to have been a bit unrealistic given the work required and the time available with all the other calls on our time and the weather. More to follow......

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

That All Important Run

Last year I ran a 5K Resolution Run in March with Pip who did the 10K and in November a 10K Mens Run and a 10K MoRun run in a space of 7 days with Ben. This year I have run a 10K Resolution Run in March and the Edinburgh 10 mile run all in aid of Stroke.

Funny old thing running - it can be absolute agony running sometimes (can feel like it is all the time), but once I stop I look forward to the next run to go on. Sometimes its hard to work up  the enthusiasm or will to go on a run, but once I am out there pounding the ground  it feels great. Great to be connected with nature and the world around me especially when it is just you and if you take those moments to look up and take it all in - life feels great, especially when I spot that heron sitting motionless by the canal or get to see an amazing sunrise/sunset. Then again I can turn up the pace or run a bit harder or longer to make myself pay for all those sins like eating to many cakes or sweets or give myself the excuse to overindulge with out feeling guilty next time round. Running allows me to loose myself with memories of the past and thoughts of now and in the future, without interruption, with freedom.

Running for me works at many levels - apart from hopefully keeping me fit -Running for charity to raise funds for a cause and in remembrance of Mum and Dad gives an extra meaning to putting myself through the grind, especially when I have been sponsored there is even more pressure to fulfil my side of the "contract" and give it my best shot.  

Of course there is also the personal satisfaction in completing the race, running faster than before and getting that all important medal of achievement. The buzz and air of anticipation that surrounds a race on the build up right up to just before the gun. All those training miles (have I done enough?) by myself and now I find myself in amongst the throng of other like minded runners all with there own agenda, but with the ultimate goal of crossing the finishing line.  

Putting the medal around your neck gives you a great sense of achievement. All that training paid off with success. The anticipation and nerves have been put to bed and replaced by exhilaration.

Nothing beats that feeling when I cross the line knowing I gave it my all and when there are others there to share that emotion it doesn't get better!! :-)

Then there is that next run to train for -  to keep fit and active and remember Mum and Dad.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Am I Going Bonkers - 5k Mo Running to 5k Resolution Running?

Am I going bonkers? I ran my first competitive charity 5K run in November last year in the Edinburgh MoRun at Holyrood Park on the 8th November 2014. My placing was 35 out of 262 runners/28 out of 79 male runners or impressively 4th place out of 7 veterans aged over 50 in a time of 27min 22secs. I was just so chuffed to finish the race - Pip was the real star as she completed the 10K with Lucy ( 2 laps of Holyrood!!) in under an hour an  amazing achievement :-). It was a bright, cold crisp morning for the race, loads of competitors - there was a real buzz of trepidation and excitement while registering and waiting for the race to start. Little had prepared me for the steep climb soon after the start up Queens Drive to Dunsapie Loch - my thought was no way was I going to complete this race!! (All my training had been on the flat along the canal!!). But it was worth it for the view and the scenic run around the back of Arthur's Seat, past Salisbury Crags back down to the finish line just past Dynamic Earth. A real sense of achievement and pride when you cross the line makes you forget the hard training :-)

Pip and I before the race - feeling nervous!!
The 5k race start
Made it!!!
Chuffed medal holder!!
Pip and I with our race medals!
And after all that and wondering whether to do another 5k - well yes - I have registered to do the 5k Resolution Charity Run on the 1st March at Crammond in support of the Stroke Association and in memory of Mum and Dad. I hope to get a faster time and am well into my cold training now. If you would like to sponsor me click the "JustGiving Sponsor me" button at the top of my blog page to see  my sponsor page or free Text BDLT59 £1 to 70070. Or just relax, sit back and follow my update blog after the race! Thank you for following me and your support.