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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Meals on Wings

The size of the wings on an Airbus A380 are immense, understandably considering the size of the aircraft, the onboard service and food is good too with Singapore Airlines....still not sure it should be flying though?...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Views along the Fife Coastal Path from 
Aberdour to Kircaldy
Aberdour harbour

Views to Inchcolm 

Waterfall between Aberdour and Burntisland

MS Boudicca sailing out the Firth of Forth

Driftwood washed up on Pettycur Bay

Kite surfing at Pettycur Bay

Kinghorn Beach

Views back to Kinghorn

100 + seals and still counting basking on the rocks at low tide

Seafield Tower - a 16th Century ruin between Kinghorn and Kirkcaldy

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spectacular views over San Gimignano and Tuscany beyond from the top of the Torre Grossa Podesta built in 1311 and 54 meters high part of the Palazzo del Podesta or The New People's Palace.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tuscan Landscapes

The ever changing colours of the Italian countryside in Tuscany are a joy to behold.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sand and Sea

Crashing waves at Kinghorn on the Firth of Forth

Endless Sand at Pettycur Bay on the Firth of Forth

Monday, April 30, 2012

On the Firth of Forth

Magnificent views of the Forth Bridges while sailing on the Firth of Forth:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cambo Tulips

A spectacular infusion of wonderful colours at the Cambo Tulip Festival: