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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Lyceum graduates from the Carbon Trust Scotland’s Carbon Management Programme

Certificate presented to David Tildesley, Buildings Manager at the Royal Lyceum Theatre Company by Fergus Ewing, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism and Paul Wedgwood, General Manager at Carbon Trust Scotland

The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company successfully graduated from the Carbon Trust Scotland’s Carbon Management programme on Wednesday 20 March with a commitment to reduce their carbon emissions which will see them benefit from significant financial savings over a period of five years. This makes them the first producing theatre company in the UK to graduate from the programme.

The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company was among 50 small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland to graduate from the Carbon Management Programme at the official ceremony at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, receiving their certificates from Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism.

By implementing the projects in their Carbon Management Plan The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company Ltd aims to cut carbon emissions by 20% which will result in savings of over £96,000 by 2017 and £39,000 per annum thereafter.
The Carbon Management programme is designed to help SMEs develop a targeted framework to deliver energy saving and carbon reduction practices by establishing their current baseline CO2 emissions, assessing the risks and opportunities posed by climate change and developing a robust strategy to reduce carbon footprints over a five to ten year period; in many cases resulting in significant financial savings.
The Carbon Management programme was rolled out to the private sector in 2011 due to the programme’s success since 2006 within the public sector. Over 150 Scottish public sector organisations have undertaken the programme since 2006.

David Tildesley, Buildings Manager at the Royal Lyceum Theatre Company, commented: “How the Lyceum interacts with the environment as a producing theatre is likely to play an increasing role in our future operational funding as a leading Scottish arts organisation. Undertaking the Carbon Management Programme seemed a natural next step if we were serious about how we could as an organisation take collective steps to reduce our environmental impact and become more sustainable. We are currently establishing a Going Green campaign with staff which will identify ways in which we can reduce our carbon emissions and protect our environment. Some of the initiatives include using Going Green notice boards to highlight how much energy we are consuming in our buildings; establishing waste recycling points for office waste; installing energy efficient lighting and controls and installing water saving devices in toilets to conserve water.”

Fergus Ewing, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, said: “I am delighted that so many private sector companies are now recognising the benefits of addressing their energy efficiency by embarking on the Carbon Management programme, which not only makes financial sense but also helps to cut damaging emissions. The fact we have over 50 companies graduating this year is extremely encouraging. These companies, from as far afield as Shetland, the Hebrides, the Highlands and down to the Central Belt, have led the way for Scottish businesses and have collectively identified potential total annual cost savings of over £3.5m, with cumulative savings approaching over £14m possible over the period of these Carbon Management Plans.”

Paul Wedgwood, General Manager at Carbon Trust Scotland, said: “The Carbon Trust Scotland has a strong track record in helping both companies and public sector organisations make significant carbon and financial savings by implementing energy saving projects. With 50 companies graduating from the programme this year, a marked increase on last year, we know there is a growing hunger amongst the private sector for better energy efficiency to reap financial benefits, particularly in the current economic climate where every penny counts. The Carbon Management programme is an excellent vehicle to achieve savings, which will not only benefit the environment but makes excellent business sense too.”