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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Am I Going Bonkers - 5k Mo Running to 5k Resolution Running?

Am I going bonkers? I ran my first competitive charity 5K run in November last year in the Edinburgh MoRun at Holyrood Park on the 8th November 2014. My placing was 35 out of 262 runners/28 out of 79 male runners or impressively 4th place out of 7 veterans aged over 50 in a time of 27min 22secs. I was just so chuffed to finish the race - Pip was the real star as she completed the 10K with Lucy ( 2 laps of Holyrood!!) in under an hour an  amazing achievement :-). It was a bright, cold crisp morning for the race, loads of competitors - there was a real buzz of trepidation and excitement while registering and waiting for the race to start. Little had prepared me for the steep climb soon after the start up Queens Drive to Dunsapie Loch - my thought was no way was I going to complete this race!! (All my training had been on the flat along the canal!!). But it was worth it for the view and the scenic run around the back of Arthur's Seat, past Salisbury Crags back down to the finish line just past Dynamic Earth. A real sense of achievement and pride when you cross the line makes you forget the hard training :-)

Pip and I before the race - feeling nervous!!
The 5k race start
Made it!!!
Chuffed medal holder!!
Pip and I with our race medals!
And after all that and wondering whether to do another 5k - well yes - I have registered to do the 5k Resolution Charity Run on the 1st March at Crammond in support of the Stroke Association and in memory of Mum and Dad. I hope to get a faster time and am well into my cold training now. If you would like to sponsor me click the "JustGiving Sponsor me" button at the top of my blog page to see  my sponsor page or free Text BDLT59 £1 to 70070. Or just relax, sit back and follow my update blog after the race! Thank you for following me and your support.