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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Suilven - Part 1

Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind I had a hankering to get a sailing boat and had dreams of maybe realizing this dream when I retired and maybe had time to look into the ins and outs. Funny how fate has other ideas at the most unexpected times. I had a a small Laser Pico sailing dinghy stored at Port Edgar but I was sailing her less and less as the years went by. She was lacking comforts and carrying space for bodies, being on your knees was cramping especially as you get older. But she was my first boat so there was an attachment for me and sad to see her go but I am sure she will get good use in her new home.

 Then out of the blue comes a chance to buy a small day sailing yacht!!

So the story of Suilven begins.........[January 2017]

Although I had dreams of us getting a bigger boat so that Hilary and I could both enjoy the sea I wasn't sure that it would ever really happen and certainly not before retirement. But when your Brother in Laws best man decides that sailing is no longer his cup of tea and wants rid of his boat I put on my rose tinted glasses and brought Suilven. Unfortunately not quite in a sea worthy ready state but nothing that we can't tackle! mmmmm......
Now begins the long journey!

Removing parts of Suilven for repair, refurbishment or replacement, cleaning the boat inside and out, looking more closely at the condition of Suilven.

No one really tells you how much of a black hole owning a boat can become or how expensive chandlery spares can be. Looking back now, Suilven at this present time [September 2017] is still not in the water and yet we have spent  more than the cost of the initial purchase on repairing and refurbishing so far......will she float when the time comes to launch her. Initially I had thought that we would have her in the water by now, but that seems to have been a bit unrealistic given the work required and the time available with all the other calls on our time and the weather. More to follow......